Category Archives: English

Star, Moon, Jupiter Revealed by Evie

Sun, Moon, Jupiter Revealed
Deep in the golden star’s satin sack,
Left for all to see,
The longing of a memory,
The sigh of the sea,
A drop of sun.
In the blue warmth of the moon’s woven purse,
Hidden from plain sight,
The shimmer of the fire gone rogue,
The dazzle of many, many diamonds,
The touch of a cloud.
In Jupiter’s case of dreams,
Able to blind the naked eye,
The venom of the night,
The beauty of a sunset,
The flare of a white light.

Star Up So High by Cameron

Star, star up so high do you in the night sky?
Tomorrow gone and then right back how do you do it just like that?
Are you real or is it me? So do you know how I feel?
Really, really are your true or is it a secret between me and you?
Hi up there is that you? I have some questions to ask.
Why are you up there? Where do you come from?
How do you shine like midnight glass? Can you see what I can see or are you less than me?
Can you talk?
Can you walk?
If you were to fall I’d save you from being stuck to the floor like glue.
Imagine how much fun we’d have playing frisbee and games like that.
But that will never happen and as it won’t, I talk to you.

A different approach from Lizzie….

I have to Write a Stupid Poem
I have to write a stupid poem about a stupid star
I’m not sure what they mean
Because all our teacher told us was blah blah blah
They said it didn’t have to rhyme
But I think that is a crime.
I have to write a stupid poem about a stupid star
I’m not sure if they mean the ones with cool cars
Or the ones in the sky, very very very high.
I guess I’ve written a poem about something else.
Maybe they will like it, maybe they won’t.
But at least I’ve done my homework.

Five Ways to Catch a Star by Louis

Catch it with amazing accuracy in a star net.
Simply let it drop into your hands.
Pick it out of the sky with a star picker.
Swim down to the bottom of the sea and grab it.
Climb up Mount Everest and reach for a star.

How to Make a Star by Abi

1. The brightest light you can think of.
2. The sharpest knife you can think of.
3. To fly it higher than the moon.
4. To get Henry VIII to cut it in half, like he did with two of his wives.
5. Then it is done.

What Stars are….. by Katy

A star leads you to the top of a Christmas tree.
A star guides you to victory.
A star is a dream.
A star is a volcano of gold.
Find a shooting star and never let it go.

Meadow’s Star poem

In the silver jar of dangerous sparkles you find
Sparks of wonder lying in the sky
Twinkles of glitter tracing to space
Amazing depth in the sea
Roaring thunder blazing to you.
Stars are blinding.

Stars by Maddie

Shimmering in the midnight sky
Towering the city,
All around us
Really high in space
Scanning the world from above.

Star by Xavi

Start by building a ladder and catch a star,
Take it far away to a castle,
Ask it what it is thinking,
Return it to its home.

Cameron’s Black Jar

Look away now if you are of a nervous disposition.

In the Black Jar of Wisdom you will find –
a wizards dragon which can see the future,
a fraction of time which has been stolen from an elf’s bag,
a head full of maggots from the fifth dimension, feasting on the brain.

Evie’s Jar

In the blue jar you may find –
the longing of memories,
the sigh of the sea,
a drop of the sun.
In the cream jar of mysteries lies – 
the shimmer of the moon gone rogue,
the touch of a cloud,
the dazzle of many, many diamonds.

Skye’s Blue Jar

In the blue jar of fantasy stories you can find
The shell of enchantment,
A scale from a magical mermaid,
A sparkle from a star.

Libby’s Jar of Dreams

In the blue jar of dreams you will see –
the clearness of the sky above the clouds,
the crashing of the flowing waterfall,
the foggy image of a crystal shining in moonlight.

Katy’s Confession

My Mistake

I made a mistake when I left the 
hair dryer on….
I made a mistake when I let my posonos
snake out….
I made a mistake when I let my frind play
with a tiger….
I made a mistake when I let my mouse
sleep at the nexdore nabours house….
I think I made a mistake when I said
to the seals you can sleep with a cilla whale….

Louisa’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake by giving a stranger
my house number….
I made a mistake when I didn’t let
the dog out to doodle….
I made a mistake when I said to
my hamster it could swim in the
I made a mistake when I put my
fish in the toilet….
I made a mistake when I pressed
a button that said do not press….

Thea’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake when I gave
my baby sister a cerlywerly.
I made a mistake when I said
to the zebrer to lay on
the zebra crossing.
I made a mistake when I spilt
the Dr Pepper on the flore.
I made a mistake when I put a 
fake poo on the teachers chair.
I made a mistake when I gave 
my dog my dads dinner.

Maddie’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake –
by eating my big sister’s chocolate bar….
I made a mistake –
when I gave my brother my phone….
I made a mistake –
when  I didn’t shut my hamster cage properly….
I made a mistake when I let my little sister do my make-up….
I made a mistake by pressing a do not press button….


Luke’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake when –
I let my brother cut my hair….
I gave my four year old brother a paint ball gun….
I told my brother to be a combine harvester driver….
I told my brother to be Tom Daley….
I made a warning virus on the computer….

Freddie’s Confession

My Mistake
I made  a mistake when –
I gave my little brother a carving knife….
I mistook the rat poison for Coca Cola….
I told my sister she could ride a cheetah….
I fixed an ejector seat to my ads new car….
I told the dragon he was at the top of the food chain….


William’s Secret

Another secret. William was ill when we did this in class. Here’s what he wrote at home:

My Secret

My Secret is made from glamorous 24 carat gold.
Made by the Viking gods of the sky with the cloud’s dreams held upon it.

I found my secret hidden among other fragile items on a wooden table in an old church hall.

This secret holds a power to unlock my cardboard chest of dreams (which I keep under my bed) at any time.
On a rainy day, you could use my secret to let the sun burst out .
My secret could be a blessing to the Viking God Thor.

If my secret gets lost a curse will open the Ark and all my treasures shall be revealed.

Alex’s Secret

While we’re in a confessional mood, one more secret from last week:
My Secret
My secret is made from the biggest diamond in the world,
With tears coming from Henry VIII,
Bits of volcanic rock,
From the biggest volcano in the world,
Drops of lava around it.
It was found in a dark room underground.
There was thunder underground.
It can make gold instantly.
At night it glows up.
It has friends, 
Shooting Stars.
If I lost this secret
Even Mr Heritage would cry.

Melody’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake by telling my little brother to feed the lion his icecream….
I made  mistake by using chilli not toothpaste to brush my teeth….
I made a mistake by taking a child eating dragon to school….
I made a mistake by putting a note saying pinch me on my brother’s back….
I made a mistake by taking an alien to school….

Fin W’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake when I –
Let the cat fly the plane….
Took away the ladder to my brother’s tree house….
Introduced my lion to the goldfish….
Gave my two year old brother a blowtorch….
Tried to ice skate over the top of my mums car….

Meadow’s Confession

I Think I made a Mistake
I think I made a mistake when I gave my four year old brother a cigarette lighter….
I think I made a mistake when I gave my two year old brother sizzlers….
I think I made a mistake when I gave my brother a spray-on tan….
I think I made a mistake when I told my brother he can ride an elephant,
I think I made a mistake when I told a zebra to lie in the road,
I think I made a mistake when I told my six year old brother that he can fly a plane…

Evie’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake giving my four year old brother the car keys,
I made a mistake leaving some cockroaches in my parents bed….
I made a mistake confusing my mum’s shampoo with glue….
I made a mistake taking a buffalo to school….
I made a mistake when I put a jet pack on my brother’s pyjamas….

Alex’s Confession

My Mistake
I made a mistake when I left my brother with a loud firework and a lighter….
I made a mistake when I put the fish bowl in the freezer….
I made a mistake when I released the handbrake on my dad’s car….
I made a mistake when I taught the goldfish to play dead….
I made a mistake when I left the lion’s cage open….

Izobella’s Confession

My Mistake

I made a mistake when –
I left my dog with soap and water….
I made a mistake by
Letting the tiger out to play….
I made a mistake by
Letting my brother have a jet pack….

Amelia’s Confession

My Mistake
I think I made a mistake when –
I didn’t put the lid on the blender….
I said the Mammoth could fly if he jumped off a cliff….
I didn’t set the timer for my cookies….
I gave the monkey Mum’s make-up….
Pressing the red button….

Fin M’s Confession

My Mistake

I made a mistake when –
I painted the traffic lights green….
I told my hamster he could surf….
I told my dog he could sing….
I gave my brother paint….

OUR TWO HUNDREDTH POST: Cameron’s Confession

My Mistake

I made a mistake when –
I told Henry VIII my sister would marry him….
I put these rocket boots on….
I told an ant that he could swim….
I made a rocket and tried to eat the moon….
When I made this poem !!!!