Category Archives: Moneybury

Wish You Were Here….

We’re all off to Croft Farm on Wednesday 15th may until the end of the week. If we can get a Wifi link, perhaps we will update the site from deep in the Cotswolds.

Alex’s Tudor Food Project

This is an amazing project from Alex in Moneybury. This book is just beautiful and should be a real treasure to look back upon when Alex is older.

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Well done to Fin W and Evie from Mounts together with Freddie and Alex from Moneybury, who won their heat of the Hertfordshire Year 5 Maths Challenge against a range of schools from across the Hemel and Rickmansworth areas.

We hope that they will now go forward to represent the school in the County finals in June.

Also well done to Skye who took part in a Judo competition at the weekend and was awarded a bronze medal, even though she was taking on opponents more than one and a half times her own weight.

Cameron managed to win an informal coin tossing prediction competition in Mounts today, not once but twice. To do this, he correctly predicted the toss of a coin on at least twelve occasions in a row. Does anyone know how likely or unlikely this feat is?


Still more History projects

Jacob in Moneybury produced this beautifully designed Recipe Book for his Tudor project earlier in the year. A lot of time and effort has gone into this. Click the link for the interactive book:


Zoe’s Tudor Project

Zoe from Moneybury worked hard to produce a great looking Powerpoint presentation. You can read it here as an interactive book:

Head Chef Kyle prepares a Pasty

Kyle made a wonderful cookery video as he presented on how to make a Pasty fit for Henry VIII. Here are some stills from his video:

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Brown Fryes by Alex and Freddie

wpid-2013-01-23-12.17.50.jpgAlex must have spent the whole Christmas holiday thinking about food in Tudor times. We hope to display some more of his work later. Freddie and Alex made this film about making ‘Brown Fryes’ (we might call it “Eggy bread” today)

Some Powerpoint Presentations from Moneybury

Here are some more examples of the work that arrived on memory sticks this week. Oscar and Ben have clearly spent a lot of time designing their presentations. Do try Ella’s Tudor quiz too:

Oscar History Project – The Royal Visit of King Francis I

Tudor Banquet by Ben

Ella tudor quiz

Ship’s Biscuits by Anna

We’ve been learning about the harsh conditions of life at sea during these last two weeks. Anna made some ‘hard tack’ ship’s biscuits as part of her project. Luckily maggots are not included.



Screenshot from Anna's Cookery Video

Screenshot from Anna’s Cookery Video

Harriet’s Tudor Food Project

Harriet B loved her food project so much, she baked some biscuits in the shape of hearts!


Ella’s Tudor Food Boardgame

Ella arrived in Mounts today clutching a really interesting board game.

Some advice from Moneybury about how to spot a Witch in Tudor and Stuart times….

Late last year for Anti-Bullying Week we learned about how old ladies were picked upon and singled out unfairly as witches just because they were different from their neighbours. Here is some advice from Aaron, Alex, Amelie, Anna, Darren, Elise, Freddie, Harriet & Thibaud in Moneybury about how to spot a witch in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries:

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Kyra’s History Enrichment

As we move into January the History enrichment projects start to arrive.

Kyra worked on her presentation over the holidays and produced this superb illustrated manuscript. I love the pictures in the margins:

End of term

So, first term down. Merry Christmas to all our readers.

What did you all make of your first term at Bridgewater? Did anything surprise you this term? What are you most looking forward to in the Spring term?

Do keep an eye open for little prize competition questions over the holiday. If anyone wants to send in some poetry or creative writing, please feel free and it may well be displayed on this site. If I find any good activities, I’ll post up some links.  You don’t have to be in Mounts to contribute as some of Marlin and Moneybury already know.

For those of you who don’t already know it, here’s a link to the Official NORAD Santa tracker site to help you get even more in the mood for Christmas:

Tudor Day 2013

Today we had the opportunity to come to school as Tudors to celebrate this Christmas  season.

In the morning we learnt a range of tasks from our mistresses and master craftsmen in Year 8 at the Tudor craft fayre:

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In the afternoon we took part in a Tudor banquet, with the entertainment provided by Jugglers, Jesters, Players and Dancers.

What did people make of the day? Have your say in the comments box below.

Preparations for History Enrichment

todoHow are you all feeling about the enrichment? Excited? Has anyone started yet? What are you most looking forward to? What are you planning to do? Maybe someone in Year 6 has some advice about how you tackled your project.

Do share some comments with everyone over the next few weeks. Remember, the deadline is 21st January 2013.

Christmas Tree

Moneybury may have got more decorations up than us, but we’ve got the classiest Christmas tree!


Yo Ho Ho Ho from Mounts


The Christmas Grotto in Moneybury

The History Enrichment Project 2013


The History Enrichment Project 2013…..

Henry VIII is having an important visitor, King Francis I of France, coming to dine at Hampton Court Palace. King Henry needs you to draw up a menu for the banquet that he is giving.

  • What food will you serve?
  • What drinks will you serve?
  • What sort of meats would you serve for the main course?
  • Which part of the animal would you serve? Trotters? Tongue? Ears? Wings? Rump? Shoulder?
  • How would it be cooked?  Roasted? Boiled? Baked? Stewed?
  • What would you serve with the meats?
  • What desserts would you serve?

Expected outcome:

Use the internet and books to produce a menu for an authentic Tudor banquet. (Level 3 – find answers using sources of information/show knowledge of main periods studied). The mimimum expected work is a menu for the banquet. Don’t forget to put your name on your project!

If you are really interested in Historical research, perhaps you might like to find out about Tudor food and ingredients to make a Tudor recipe book or fact file (Level 4 Point out changes within and across periods of time/give reasons for change/select and combine information from different sources):

How does Tudor food differ from modern cooking? What common modern ingredients did they not have access to? What did they use instead? Were there any curious customs involving food?  Where did the ingredients come from? How would Henry’s food differ from what a poor person would eat? A fully cross referenced project may even achieve a Level 5.

Perhaps you may even want to cook a Tudor recipe. Photograph or film the result and include this in your project together with any comments about how it tastes. For those who are really keen to see it first hand, Hampton Court has live cookery demonstrations 27 December – 1st  January. You will have the opportunity to attend a Tudor banquet on Tuesday December 18th as part of Tudor Day.


How long should I expect to spend on this project?

Expect to spend at least 3 hours and maybe as much as 5 or 6 if you really get into it! Try splitting the time up: have a go at each stage a day at a time but maybe allow an extra half hour at the end, just in case!

How soon will I get feedback for my work?

Well, with over 100 projects being handed in, it might take a little bit of time but hopefully I’ll be able to tell you how you’ve done by half term. They will be given a rough level (not sub-level) and an effort grade – the basic menu will earn Level 3 (you have found answers) and a 3 effort (Satisfactory grade).

What if I don’t have a colour printer at home but I need colour pictures for my project?

If you want to download colour pictures but you do not have access to a colour printer at home, please select a small number that you definitely want and then reduce them so that you can all fit onto 1 or 2 sheets of A4 to print at school and then cut and paste into the finished project.

Can I use ICT?

You may present your Enrichment project as an ICT presentation, a podcast, a video or on paper. Some of the best ICT based presentations may be uploaded on the @mountsbridgewater blog page.

Only use your first name on ICT work so that you cannot be identified by a stranger (this complies with the internet policy and don’t wear school uniform or a name that might identify you in any video production).You can use online presentation software like Prezi, GoAnimate, XtraNormal, Toonlet or similar ones that you may know of (don’t forget always seek your parents’ permission before signing up to anything on the web).

Last year some pupils made cookery videos, animated Lego films, beautifully produced leaflets using desktop publishing software and one person even produced a whole episode of Tudor Masterchef with his dad doing a brilliant John Torode impression.  Look up ‘Tudor Food’ on the Wordcloud on @mountsbridgewater to see some examples of last year’s work.

Lots of books have sections on Tudor food, including Terry Deary’s ‘Terrible Tudors’.

Internet links can be found on :

Scroll down the widgets on the right hand side of the page to find the ‘TUDOR FOOD’ section (quite a long way down!)

You don’t have to work over the holidays (although I would be flattered if you were interested enough to really go to town on your presentation). The king has requested that you provide him with your sample menus by Monday 21st January 2013.

By order of the King:  This is the penalty for those who do not hand in their project on time!

By order of the King: This is the penalty for those who do not hand in their project on time!


A Guide to Tudor and Stuart Witches by Arran

Arran Witches

Found on the Teacher’s Desk Part 2….

Tidying up at the end of half term, this picture of Henry VIII came to light. Thanks Darren.

The Battle of Bosworth by Thibaud

A guest cartoon strip by Thibaud in Moneybury:

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Busy, busy, busy….

September 2012 looks like being the busiest month ever on this blog, beating the   previous highest total of 2625  page hits from March 2012. A big thank you to everyone who visits our pages and a special thanks to everyone who leaves a comment (some of last year’s Mounts are still following and commenting too!).

Here’s a link to the game that everyone keeps asking to play:

STOP PRESS: The final total for September was 2691 page hits. Wow!

STOP STOP PRESS!!! The first day of October was the busiest single day yet, with 259 page hits. Most of them were probably Anna in Moneybury, who has commented on lots of posts!!

Busy month

There has not been much activity on the blog since Easter, but that’s largely because we have been so BUSY.

No sooner than the Easter holidays were finished than we went on a residential visit to the PGL camp at Marchants Hill.

Perhaps you would like to write about the experience of strapping yourself into the Giant Swing or Zipwire. Were you scared by the Drop Bears? Would you like to make a factfile about Drop Bears or continue the story about the very next group who entered the wood…. ? Perhaps you can take a picture of a Drop Bear and send it in!

If anyone from ANY class would like to blog about what we got up to last week, please send in your contributions.

Charlotte’s Got the Whole World in Her Hands

Another guest contribution from Charlotte in Moneybury:

Georgina’s RE Project

Some of the RE projects are starting to come in now. Here’s a 3D project from Georgina, a guest contributor in Moneybury.

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Sierra Leone Day 1 February 2012

On the 1st February we hosted an International Day in Year 5 learning about Sierra Leone, where we have a partner school in the city of Makeni. Usifu Jalloh visited Bridgewater Middle School and worked with each class to teach us a dance routine and he told us a story from his country. Here are some thank you letters Mounts wrote afterwards.

Read more thank you letters at : (additional letters were added 13/2/12)

To view this flipping book you need to have Flash Player 9 or newer installed and JavaScript enabled. Flipsnack is a flash video player that allows you to create stylish flipping books out of your PDF document.

Even more ICT Tudor Food Projects

Yet more work. Here’s some ICT presentations from Moneybury:

Alexander J Menu for a Tudor Banquet

Alexander J Tudor Food Fact File

Tudor food by Katie


Some Powerpoint Presentations from Moneybury

Judging from the work handed in this week some of you have worked hard over the holidays.

Here are some presentations from Jessie and Elliot. I like the way Elliot has compared the Tudor kitchen with a modern one.

jessies tudor homework


More History Projects

Another wonderful project: Charlotte in Moneybury actually visited Hampton Court Palace over the holiday and watched the cooks prepare a banquet for the king. She even got to help and there are pictures of her turning the spit in the Hampton Court kitchens.

She has included a recipe book with dishes such as Samon Rostyd in Sause, Apple Muse, Toffatty Tarts, Chawettys and Apple Muse. They all sound lovely.  Not sure about Sheep’s Feet though! Great work Charlotte.

Lily in Hastoe made and decorated some Marchpane sweetmeats:

History Enrichment project

Henry VIII is having an important visitor, King Francis I of France, coming to dine at Hampton Court Palace. King Henry needs you to draw up a menu for the banquet that he is giving:

• What food will you serve?

• What drinks will you serve?

• What sort of meats would you serve for the main course?

• Which part of the animal would you serve? Trotters? Tongue? Ears? Wings? Rump? Shoulder?

• How would it be cooked? Roasted? Boiled? Baked? Stewed?

• What would you serve with the meats?

• What desserts would you serve?

Use the internet and books to produce a menu for an authentic Tudor banquet. (Level 3 – find answers using sources of information/show knowledge of main periods studied).

If you are really interested in this topic, perhaps you might like to research Tudor food and ingredients to make a Tudor recipe book or fact file (Level 4 Point out changes within and across periods of time/give reasons for change/select and combine information from different sources):

How does Tudor food differ from modern cooking? What common modern ingredients did they not have access to? What did they use instead? Were there any curious customs involving food? Where did the ingredients come from? How would Henry’s food differ from what a poor person would eat?

Perhaps you may even want to cook a Tudor recipe. Photograph the result and include this in your project together with any comments about how it tastes. For those who are really keen to see it first hand, Hampton Court has live cookery demonstrations 27 December – 2nd January:

You will have the opportunity to attend a Tudor banquet on December 13th as part of Tudor Day. You may present your project as an ICT presentation, a podcast, a cookery programme on video or on paper. Some of the best presentations may be uploaded on the @mountsbridgewater blog page.

Lots of books have sections on Tudor food, including Terry Deary’s ‘Terrible Tudors’. Internet links can be found on the right hand side of this page under Tudor Food.

For those who would prefer not to have to work over the holidays, you may hand your work in before the Christmas holiday if you wish. The king has requested that you provide him with your sample menus by Friday 6th January 2012.

The penalty for those who do not hand in their project on time!